Annual Report

Annual Report 2023




The trustees are legally responsible for the overall management and decision making in the charity, and for its direction and performance. They meet twice a year. In 2023 the body of trustees consisted of:

One ex-officio Trustee: Revd.Preb. Joseph Fernandes, Rector of the Parish of Acton (from June 2023).

Five nominative Trustees (appointed by Ealing Council for a term of 4 years): Glen Barnham (to September 2023), Cllr Steve Donnelly,  Cllr Julian Gallant, Cllr Blerini Hashani, Cllr Hodan Haili .

Five co-optative Trustees (appointed for a term of 5 years): Lorna Dodd, Mouna Farazi , Dr Jay Patel, Phil Portwood (to November 2023), Shams Uddin.



1. Relief in Need Charity

Grants totalling  £8369 were made. Of these, most were for furniture and white goods and other essential items of household equipment. The Trust had agreed to offer gift cards (against receipts) on a limited basis.

2. Educational Charity

Grants totalling  £5100 were made to students in various stages of further education, and £900 to the Acton History Group.

3. Athawes Art Gallery

Grants totalling £2500 were made.

4. John Perryn Relief in Need Fund

Grants totalling £778 were made.



Extract from the accounts for 2023:

Extracts from the accounts (assets) for 2023:

Extracts from the accounts (expenditure) for 2023:

Trustees are not remunerated and there are no employees.
Administration costs relate to website charges.
Governance costs relate to annual accounting.




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